Advisory Board

Dr.Milton Thandi
Thandi is a medical doctor with six years of work experience. Dr Milton holds a postgraduate diploma in tropical medicine from London school of Tropical Medicine and is currently completing a Master of Science in Epidemiology and Implementation science as a World Health Organization fellow at Wits University in South Africa. She also has a certificate in advanced project management from the same institute. In her current role as senior physician at the Botswana UPenn (University of Pennsylvania) partnership, she works in over 25 clinics in the Gaborone area and coordinates the implementation of screening guidelines for Cryptococcal meningitis in the city’s infections disease clinics. The team has screened over 2000 patients since January 2018, with the goal of expanding access to the rest of Botswana. Dr Milton plans to apply for grant funding to pursue and launch her own projects implementing health policies and interventions within the health sector. In addition to her medical work, Dr Milton has expertise in Epidemiology, Implementation Science and Project management