Chibak Clinic (Alabek) is a basic primary health care centre in isolated, remote Lou-Ariik village without roads, electricity, telephone networks and basic infrastructure. The clinic was built in 2005 by the community, led by Mr Bol Mawien and Uncle Toby a.k.a ‘Akougook’ as community mobilizers, to generate funds for construction and basic equipment. The clinic is the only facility that provides medical care to an estimated population of over 300,000 people. This basic healthcare facility is maintained by Akougook Initiative with support from the Warrap state Ministry of Health through Health Pooled Funds.
Recently Akougook Initiative renovated and improved general service delivery in the clinic. However the facility still lacks necessary equipment to provide basic health care.
During the rainy season, the community is extremely vulnerable from threats of diarrheal diseases such as cholera, dysentery and acute watery diarrhoea as a result of open defaecation. In addition to the ongoing high maternal and neonatal/infant death rates from childbirth and child mortality or under 5yrs old from malaria, pneumonia and other bacterial diseases such as cerebral meningitis, tuberculosis, brucellosis and anthrax. Prevalent conditions in adults includes infectious diseases such as HIV and hepatitis B virus; non-communicable diseases such as Diabetes and high blood pressure; respiratory diseases eg. Asthma, COPD and neglected tropical diseases eg. Leprosy, leishmaniasis, schistomasis and trypansoma. Bruli ulcer. Snake & dog bites. Emergencies physical and psycholgoical trauma due to fighting and domestic based violence.
The immediate goal is to raise funds to purchase basic equipment, expand the clinic, recruit qualified healthcare workers and upgrade services to meet urgent public health needs of the community.
In the near future Akougook Initiative envisions Chibak clinic renamed Akougook Memorial Hospital (AMH), a 30-bed hospital with emergency unit and operating theatre dedicated to the medical needs of women and children, training and empowerment of medical professionals in north Tonj County and Bar el Ghazel region
AMH envisions services to offer:
To promote healthy and educated remote community in South Sudan as we provide, teach and empower healthcare to women and children in South Sudan
Provide direct patient obstetric care:
Neonatal Care
Training and Management of Staff
Community Health Education:
Professional Training:
I have found that among other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver
Maya Angelou