Who We Are

What is Akougook Initiative?

Akougook in dinka Language means "shield" or a white bull with a patch of black colour on its back , other dinka speakers may interpret Akougook differently for it has many meanings. Akougook was a nickname given to Uncle Toby Mawien Ariik who played a huge leadership role in shielding his community from different kind of threats through his various initiative in health, education, peacebuilding and many more. Following Mr Akougook demise in 2014, a leadership vacancy was left in his remote village. His legacy inspired the founding of Akougook Initiative a not-for-profit organization to continue the legacy of shielding vulnerable remote communities in South Sudan. The Initiative focuses on providing health, education and peace-building services to South Sudanese living in remote/rural villages, currently piloting it activities in Lou-Ariik village in north Tonj county, Warrap State, South Sudan and the refugee camps and settlement in Northern Uganda. Akougook Initiative is registered in South Sudan (REG #3729) as a National NGO to operate as a regional Organisation. Working in Northern Uganda under permit number REGP0003171 and registration number REGR148093171NB. Activities are regulated by the NGO ACT 2016 in both countries

Why Akougook Initiative?

The history of Sudan in the 20th century was marked by war, tribal conflict, and  genocide.  In post-colonial Sudan, communities faced state inspired marginalization and religious persecution.

There was little socio-economic development in the southern portions of Sudan.  As a result , a secessionist war broke out between the Khartoum based Central government and the Southern communities.  After decades of protracted fighting, an Independent republic of South Sudan was formed.

The new country of South Sudan …

The new country of South Sudan faced the challenges of communities competing for resources and management of the country’s oil wealth. The rural folks felt forgotten by the political elites in Juba. The country’s oil wealth was not used to improve the livelihood of most South Sudanese. The hope for a better future faded away as the central government became unable to support rural communities as they tried to rebuild their lives. A disgruntled  population divided itself along ethnic lines, and a new war started. Millions of people fled the country, and millions more were killed as the country descended into chaos again.

Dr. Arik’s family has deep roots in South Sudan, and his family has suffered every injustice and tragedy imaginable. Just like the country of South Sudan, they are recovering and rebuilding.  Dr. Arik’s dream of a new health clinic, a proper school, and peace for his community is the dream of many South Sudanese. The people of South Sudan have been resilient in the face of adversity for decades. Lou Ariik village is a microcosm of the country of South Sudan.  With the leadership of dedicated citizens like Dr. Arik, they will bring their village and their country into the 21st century.

Our Vision

We envision self-reliant remote villages in South Sudan living in peace, empowering healthy and educated women.

Our Mission

To build resilient remote villages in South Sudan through locally-led quality maternal & child health, Inclusive Education and Peace building programs

Akougook Initiative aims to achieve the following Sustainable Development Goals.

Our Values










How we are different

  1. We are community, locally-led 
  2. We are rural focussed 
  3. We are systemic/holistic in our approach 
  4. We are neutral/impartial in a high conflict zone 
  5. Our unbiased health services are a bridge to peace.

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The best way to lose yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.